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Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy XII
Updated: 1/18/2012 12:15:00 PM

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.: Final Fantasy XII - Ivalice's History

When you kill beasts in Final Fantasy XII, their information is added to the Beatiary in your Clan Primer. Kill enough, and additional information about the history of places, people, great events and tales are revealed. This page contains all those texts.

Select a "category" to view the texts from.

Street Corner Musings (#1) [From enemy: Mistmare]
Man, monster, all heed the sway of the stars.

All lives are guided by twelve stars, and the star to which you belong determines your fate. When the fire of a life dies, sometimes, rarely, it leaves behind a gemstone of great beauty.

When the wheels of fate stop, and the soul leaves its starry home, then does it become a jewel.
- Unknown Astrologer 

Street Corner Musings (#1) [From enemy: Zombie Knight]
You've heard of the halcyons--greatest among the magicites, bearing the likeness of entites, no?

They must be powerful, to be named after such beings as the salamand entite, or the undin entite!

'Course, I've no idea how one would go about getting such a beauty, 'cept stealing it straight from an entite itself! Hah!
- Pemain, Appraiser 

Street Corner Musings (#1) [From enemy: Tiny Battery]
When things want craftin', a rock what's got magick in it, even a sniff, is the order o' the day. Now you don't need to know what to do with it, but you need to know this:

Adventurers need society just like society needs adventurers. "What's that got to do with the price o' potions, Leryll?" I hear you ask. Well, them very same stones what you adventurers earn an honest gil floggin' at market just happen to make the world go 'round, too. Simple as that. ...How'd you know my name anyway?
- Leryll, Archer 


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